Townhouse on site

My new “build” arrived while I was getting my gall bladder removed last week.  My husband assembled it yesterday, in case I wanted to putter with it during my recovery.  He is a doll.

As is, I have five floors with 12 foot ceilings.  I just ordered another shelf, so I can have six floors with 10 foot ceilings.  

I am calling this build the Townhouse. 


First on the to-do list, if I'm going to start blogging again, is to migrate this old thing to a modern platform so I can at least turn my pictures right side up.  Yeesh.

a new plan

After months of looking at the mock-up foam-core room-boxes, I've decided to abandon the idea.

It's not really what I want.  It's settling.  It's making do. 

I don't need to do that!

I am going to build my townhouse from scratch.  Exactly the way I want it.

Here are some inspiration pictures....

Bw old center 50
Bw old center 50
Bw old center 50

Townhouse plans

I am giving up on contest builds.  I just don’t have the room.  I’ve disassembled most that I’ve built, and put the ocean themed builds into storage.  

I’ve decided to build a series of roomboxes sized to fit an existing shelving unit, that will become a large townhouse.  This will be my final (probably?) build, which I can play in, collect in, etc…


I wanted to build each room the same size, so I could rearrange them at will, but after taking measurements, have decided on three rooms per story, which can be subdivided, and two low-ceilinged stories per shelf.  The rooms making the front of the townhouse are sized differently than the ones behind, and will have an exterior facade.  The rooms behind will be open to each side.
