you crack me up!
five am

polymer crap

Regarding your harp suggestions, Susan...I'm going to get away from polymer clay altogether.  I can't get it to cure so that it's hard...I don't think I'm baking it right.  The instructions say to bake it at 130 degrees for 15 minutes, but my oven starts at warm then jumps to 200, and I can't get it to 130 no matter how much I dink around with the dial...and the directions warn not to over-bake...I can't get the stuff hard and...HEY WAIT A MINUTE....I just looked at the instructions again to make sure I typed them right...look at this (on the left)...

Dscf0003 Dscf0003_2 I wasn't supposed to bake at 130 degrees...that's the Celsius measurement!  I'm supposed to bake at 275 degrees.  The package ripped when I opened it, right through the instructions, and I didn't read them correctly. 

In my defense, I did check the second package (picture on the right), but it didn't even have baking instructions.  Can you imagine selling something that says "bakes in your oven" on the front, but doesn't print instructions anywhere on the label?

Sigh...maybe if I'd follow the directions, things would work like they're supposed to.  I suppose I'll give the polymer clay another chance.


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I don't do much Fimo, other than a few Halloween things (didn't I send you a little pumpkin?), but I did buy a toaster oven from the thrift store to use when I baked things.

Polymer clay gives off toxic fumes when you bake it, I guess, so I set the oven outside on our teeny back porch when I made anything.
Be careful - this is a good site for info, and stuff I didn't know -

If my table wasn't so danged crowded, I'd get my Fimo out and make some Hallo stuff!

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