I started my lampshade yesterday...it's on hold until I get more beads.
I want to make it white with three zig-zag stripes in an accent color. I have all kinds of white beads in my stash, but nothing smaller than an 11, when I need a 13 or 15. I went downtown to the bead store, but they didn't have any in white that size either...I wasn't expecting that...I'd expect not to find cornflower blue, or fuchsia, but white?
After I left downtown I went to Ben Franklin to get my white beads there. They only sell the little ones in teeny packages, and only ever have two or three of each on the shelf at a time. It sucks to buy them that way, because if I get them at the bead store I get a 10 gram tube for $2.45, but I have to pay $1.25 each for the teeny 1.6 gram packs at Ben Franklin. I suppose I could have ordered them online, but then I'd have to pay shipping, so it'd probably work out to be the same anyway...actually it would be much more, because I'd buy all kinds of beads I don't need since I'm 'paying shipping already'.
Anyway...I bought the two packages they had. The lady who does the ordering wasn't there yesterday, so I'll probably pop in on my lunch hour Monday with one of the empty packages to make sure that she gets me more.
I can't decide on a accent color. I have gold, lime and black in the right size, but none one of those sound appealing. Maybe pink or light blue...I don't know. What do you guys think?
The bead store is right across the street from my favorite toy store, so I went in to browse...came home with a plant stand.
I'm trying to decide if I want to go to my parent's house today to make curtains or not...