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25 posts from March 2010

kitchen planning

The kits I won on ebay arrived yesterday.  I took the kitchen cabinets out of the bags to play with them the minute I saw them.  I was planning on making all of my cabinetry, so that I could get exactly the fit I want, but these just might work.

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I like the layout on the left, but it won't quite fit...though I could sand down the end of one of the pieces enough to squeeze it in, then build cabinetry with a sink in the bay window...I'd have to move the light above the stove over a little bit...and I could make the top of the cabinet to the left of the stove into a butcher block.  I don't like that the backsplash doesn't wrap around the corners in this scenario, but I could fake it with paper.

I could use the layout on the right, but I'd have to build some shelving in the left hand corner to fill that gap...or I could cut the large cabinet into two pieces, push one into the corner, then build a sink in between them...but I don't like that the side of the countertop isn't finished...and I don't like the refrigerator all the way to the right like that.

In either case, the stove is a little tall, I wonder if I can chop some off the bottom...

Hmm...I've got some thinking to do.

the weekend

Our weekend project...well, Matthew's project really, I didn't do much more than go to Home Depot with him, hold the doors steady while he cut a few inches off the ends, and reassure him a hundred times that it looks okay.

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For acoustic reasons which I won't drone on about, we have to have a barrier between the living and dining rooms which puts the left front speaker into a corner, since the right front speaker sits in a corner.  We've had a tri-fold screen there...a dark brown leather, awkward, heavy looking thing.  Now we have sliding doors, which are neater/cleaner/brighter looking.  I asked Matthew (I was insistent) to paint them the same white color as the walls and trim. 

I got the house ready to paint the roof...I can't remember when I've sworn at something so much in my life...what a pain.


I'm sure I'm going at this whole dollhouse project the wrong way, in the wrong order, and am making it so much harder than it needs to be.  A lady who writes one of the blogs I read every morning just started a new build a little over two weeks ago and it seems like she's already further along than I am.  She's not, I know, because she hasn't started the inside, while I've got mine almost done, but she's moving at lightning speed.

still waiting

33°F | °C
Current: Cloudy
Wind: N at 0 mph
Humidity: 82%
44°F | 29°F
49°F | 29°F
58°F | 36°F
64°F | 46°F

I can't paint the roof today, but should be able to before the week is out!

No work on the dollhouse yesterday, Matt and I were working on a project for the real house...I'll show you pictures later today or tomorrow.

retro week

DSCF0001 It feels odd, hanging out with my high school classmates again.  Remember I went out with four high school friends last Saturday night...I went out to lunch with three of them and a different fourth yesterday.  Julie told me as much as she likes my red hair, she looooves it when it's blue, so, since we're going out again on Friday night before she goes home (she lives in Illinois), I dyed it last night.  The red didn't want to bleach out, so it turned out dark blue and purple with light blue roots.  Funky.

This is a bad picture, because it's a shot of me holding the camera at arm's length, but you can see what I mean about my hair...well, kind of.

This is what I've been doing with the house...

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I've got a trim over the peak of the roof, and corners/sides of the tower roof.  It looks good until you see the ends, then it looks like crap.  I've got to figure out what to do there...I'm thinking simple trianglish shaped pieces to cover it, which I can work in with the gingerbread gable trim.


I scored some goodies on ebay yesterday....I hope these links work...




As usual, I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it all...but I've got it in case I need it!

I've got a song for you this morning too...just because it's what Matt is listening to out in the living room, and I'm chair dancing as I type.


I'm finally getting around to posting the pictures I took last week of my shopping trip to re.clec.tia...

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I brought home a slightly crooked topiary frame and a four sided/four time zones clock.  I'm going to take out the tags that say "New York", "Paris", "Tokyo", and "London", then replace them with "Right Now", "Last Week", "Tomorrow", and "The End"...and I'm not going to put a battery in "The End". 


Matt thinks I should label one of the sides "Five Minutes From Now".