I am a big whiney baby
I AM a big whiney baby

neener neener house trim...

...I've got something else to do instead.

DSCF0001We were all given identical backpacks by the tour group and were asked to put our name on them in a bold manner so that we could tell them apart quickly and easily.  I'm embroidering...it ought to take a few days, at least...longer if I decide to add flourishy stuff.

Plus, I'm still reading my history of Paris book...I'm up to 1562...the Catholics and Protestants are about to go to war.



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Spoiler alert: the Catholics win.

Not really - the Protestants win.

Not really.

Embroidering was a great idea, and I hope you do flourishes!


I tried to do some embroidery yesterday. I actually finished it, but it looked like crap so I ripped it all out.

That dinner choices wall decal bugs me. There is a way it could be done nicely, so that it was actually amusing, but straight black Times New Roman is just plain lazy.


Agreed - the font is throwing the whole thing off.
Plus, how many times would you want to look at it?
And I would want a third choice: Take OUT!

My Halloween costume this year:

I hope it's cold on Halloween!

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