rug swap


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My tree has SO many presents under it. I will have to clear them all out so "Santa" has room to put his in there. They're just for looks at the moment because nearly everything under the tree is for extended family who we have to travel to see. I have a little path cleared to water it though. :)


Wakefield is adorable and is a lucky cat to have found you all!

I'm recovering from trip lag, but am ready to get into finishing up Christmas creations - so much still to make!

Not so many presents under the tree here - all three girls are getting pricey trips paid for and a few gifts to open, boys and my Mom are getting cold hard cash, their favorite gift, Rotten's rents got a massive flower arrangement sent, and we are getting each other the usual, nothing but the promise to make the rest of the year the best yet!


And your tree is gorgeous, by the way!

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