I'm back
Tuesday, March 06, 2012
There was a bad winter storm here last weekend. I live in northern Michigan, which means we're used to a lot of snow...this is the first time I can remember that a State of Emergency was declared in several counties. We got between one and two feet (30-60 cm) of heavy, super wet snow which knocked down a lot of trees and limbs, taking down power and telephone lines with them. The roads were impassable for most of Saturday, the snow was so heavy it was as if everything was covered with two feet of wet cement. The road crews got the main roads cleared right away, but some of the smaller side roads, including my street, weren't plowed until Monday.
We lost power Friday night, it was finally restored late Monday afternoon. The temperature inside my house was down to 52° F (11° C) on Sunday morning. At that time the forcast to have our power restored was pushed out to late Tuesday afternoon. We have hot water baseboard heat and started to worry about those pipes, which run along the inside of the exterior walls of the entire house, freezing and bursting. My brilliant husband got the furnace motor running using an inverter powered by one of the cars. (The burner on the furnace is gas, so was already functioning.) We'd start the car, let the furnace heat the house up, shut the car off, let the house cool down, turn the car back on....
Anyway...I'm back online, with several hundred of your blog posts to catch up on. I've missed you all!
Oh wow! My sister never lost power (Keystone Rd), but lost her cable. Which she said was hardship enough with three kids. My mom lost her power though. I don't know when/if she got it back on, but she was charging her cell phone in the car to keep everyone informed.
Posted by: Melinda | Tuesday, March 06, 2012 at 07:34 AM
Glad you're alright up there! We got some crazy snow not too long ago...huge heavy flakes the likes of which I had never seen. Snow clusters the size of my palm falling from the sky. It was both creepy and kinda cool.
Posted by: brae | Wednesday, March 07, 2012 at 01:03 AM