Since Brae and Lyssa are posting about the trees they are building for their contest houses I thought I'd blog about mine too.
I made some wire trees a few years of the trees I started with too large a gauge of wire and another with too small a gauge, so didn't finish either...I'm using them as the base for this tree.
I'm making a small ornamental tree at the same time so I can try the Durham's Rock Hard Water Putty Brae recommended...I want to make sure I like it before I try it on the big tree...if I don't I'll use paperclay.
The beginning of the big tree...the two starts I had are wired together and mounted on a base. The little tree (on the left) has been coated with water putty.
A few hours later...the big tree is taller, the leftover water putty from the small tree is squished into its base..and the little tree has dried and been primed.
A few hours later..more branches have been added and pieces of wood have been wired to the trunk to stiffen it because it was a bit too bendy.
A few hours later...there is a coat of water putty on the now sturdy trunk and more branches have been added.
I've got a lot more wiring to do!