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4 posts from July 2012

it's really hard to paint a tree

First it was too dark, then it was too light...first too gray, then too brown, then too green, then too brown, then too gray...

After several colors stippled on in several coats I came to the realization that I'm never going to get it exactly the way I want it...I had to call it done.


Now for the foliage and finishing touches...but no more pictures until after the contest deadline...a girl has to have some secrets ;)

more work on the tree

I wired until I ran out of wire...decided the last branch on the bottom would be a dead one.


Top coat of Durham's Rock Hard Water answer your question Brae, it sticks fine to the bare metal wire, but I imagine it would stick easier to paper covered wire...I bet paper covered wire would need a thinner mixture so it would go on tree is kind of gloppy.


I had to move the tree down to the floor to take the picture, since the water putty is the same color as the window blind above my worktable.

The bottom coat of water putty...


The first coat of paint...a hammered metal gray, simply because that's what I found in the garage.


the start of a tree

Since Brae and Lyssa are posting about the trees they are building for their contest houses I thought I'd blog about mine too.

I made some wire trees a few years of the trees I started with too large a gauge of wire and another with too small a gauge, so didn't finish either...I'm using them as the base for this tree.

I'm making a small ornamental tree at the same time so I can try the Durham's Rock Hard Water Putty Brae recommended...I want to make sure I like it before I try it on the big tree...if I don't I'll use paperclay.


The beginning of the big tree...the two starts I had are wired together and mounted on a base.  The little tree (on the left) has been coated with water putty.

A few hours later...the big tree is taller, the leftover water putty from the small tree is squished into its base..and the little tree has dried and been primed.


A few hours later..more branches have been added and pieces of wood have been wired to the trunk to stiffen it because it was a bit too bendy.


A few hours later...there is a coat of water putty on the now sturdy trunk and more branches have been added.


I've got a lot more wiring to do!