My latest acquisitions...
From Abasketof, in Turnbridge Wells, England.... (I love the ease of buying from artists who live all over the world...if you had told me twenty years ago I'd be buying handmade art from Europe while sitting in my pajamas in front of a computer I'd have scoffed.)
A coq au vin prep board, trug of veggies, peppers, and a dish of candy. It's all so realistic looking...
I purchased the prep board and the trug of veggies...she had multiple trugs listed, so I asked for the one which was the closest match to the prep board. When my order was shipped Lucy said, "I added a few peppers and mushrooms to the trug to match as far as possible the prep board and I made a few more peppers to put on the table - though these will need to be varnished - they were hot when I packed them. The little dish of chocolates I put in is an early taste of Easter!"
Isn't that awesome? Lucy is so nice. Almost all the etsy sellers I've dealt with are...I love being able to purchase directly from craftsmen.
My second acquisition of the week is really an acquisition from January. From LizBrownLovesArt, some blueberry muffins, peaches, peach tarts, and a cup of cocoa.
The package she shipped me in January, when I placed the order, never arrived, so she made my order again. Liz refunded my shipping and added the hot cocoa to my replacement shipment as a gift. I told her she didn't have to do either, as it wasn't her fault the first package didn't arrive, but she insisted. I was overwhelmed by her graciousness.
What I'm working on....
I'm making a range and refrigerator for the kitchen I'm going to build next. This is an in-progress picture, obviously...I'm not even close to being done yet.
The new kitten's been an exciting week...
I took Ester to the vet last week for her first round of vaccinations, a check up, and to schedule an appointment for her to be spayed. The veterinarian told me she was not four months old, as the humane society told me, but seven months old...she's just a small kitty. All of her adult teeth are completely in and though she may fill out a bit in the shoulders and hips she's not going to get any taller...stop feeding her kitten food, she's done growing...she's a happy, healthy, friendly, well-behaved, gorgeous cat.
I scheduled an appointment for her to be spayed on April 2nd, to coincide with when the second round of vaccinations are due. Ester, being a cat and not a kitten, with total disregard for my schedule, went into estrus (heat) last weekend. Wakefield, our tom, who was neutered as a kitten, was all of the sudden veeeerrrry much more interested in Ester than he was the day before. Though he couldn't get her pregnant he certainly gave it his best effort...again, and again, and again.
He didn't know what he was doing, it was a bit funny...he'd pin her down with his teeth grasping the skin on the back of her neck, then stand over her marching in place with his back legs...left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot, as if he were standing on a hot plate. Poor frustrated Ester squirmed around underneath him trying to get them lined up right, but he was standing too far forward. It was as if a bad cat porno was being filmed in my house for days....mew, mew, meow, mew, mew, meow. I didn't get any sleep last weekend (separating them only made things worse), so stopped at the vet's office on my way to work Monday morning to beg them to move up her surgery.
Ester was spayed on Thursday morning and returned home Friday evening. Wakefield slept the entire two days she was gone...he was absolutely exhausted, the poor guy.
They were not yet friendly before she went into estrus, Wakefield had just begun to tolerate her intrusion into his house, but it seems their relationship has changed now....they were sleeping on the couch with me while I read this morning, curled up next to each other. I suppose three or four days of, let's call it "closeness", changes a couple.
We have to restrain her from running and jumping as much as we can while she heals, so I'm staying home with her today even though I have a mountain of paperwork at the office I was planning on catching up on. I think I'll work on the range and refrigerator while she naps.