walls glued together
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
I got caught in a mind twisting circle....can't glue the walls together until the exterior finish is done...can't do the exterior finish until the trim is on...can't do the trim until the doors are hinged...can't hinge the doors until the floor is done...can't do the floor until the interior walls are done...can't do the interior walls until the wiring is done...can't do the wiring until the walls are up...argghhhh!
So...I glued the kit together...the walls are up!
As it turns out I'm really glad I did, because the bottom of the walls don't line up. If I had done my exterior finish first the front and side walls would have been out of alignment.
Now I have a starting point...I'll just have to deal with any 'could have/should have/would have' as issues arise.
Nice that it worked out for you to glue them!
I finished laying the sidewalks in my flower bed out front here yesterday - am sweeping sand today and I hope to be able to show you pics tomorrow.
I told my neighbor that you would think I was building the Taj Mahal or something, as long as it's taking me, and she said she thought it was going really fast, so it's all the prespective of which side of the bricks you're on, I guess.
Posted by: Susan | Wednesday, June 19, 2013 at 09:18 AM
Just reading what you wrote was like imagining a nightmare! In the end, all will work out and I have no doubt whatsoever that you will come through with flying colours.
Posted by: Lucille | Wednesday, June 19, 2013 at 11:42 AM
I literally just had that same circular conversation with myself! Can't work on that until this is done, which means I have to finish that, but it can't be done until I finish that other thing.
Nice work on the gluing.
Posted by: Christiane | Wednesday, June 19, 2013 at 01:41 PM