the Chatillon-DeMenil Mansion
I've returned to the fun kitchen...yay!


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They're probably glad to have you home, except for having to share the quilt with you.

It's snowing down here this morning, so I need to get started on making mine.
Just got my cemetery fence finished yesterday so I'm ready for the next project.
I'll send you a picture when the snow is finished - it's not sticking but looks so cold!


The quilt hogs weren't glad to have me home until after I took a bath...apparently St. Louis smells funny.

It snowed in the small towns around TC, but it didn't snow here because the lake is too warm. My assistant showed me a pic she took at her house this morning, they got a few inches.


Ours turned into rain pretty quick and now the sun is trying to peek out, but I'm hammering stakes into the ground while watching my breath.
Just came back in the house to hunt my gloves!

Wonder what St Louis smells like to a cat? Maybe you brought a ghost home with you and washed it off in the shower...
I'm determined to make this last week before Halloween spooky, so you may have to put up with some bad ghost jokes.

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