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2 posts from January 2014

what I'm working on

Susan has been posting all kinds of crazy quilt pictures on her pinterest board for months, lush with beautiful was impossible to remain uninspired. 

Now, I'm never going to make a quilt, as fabric and I have a complicated and antagonistic relationship, but embroidery floss doesn't mind my company.

There is a simple wooden jewelry box that I've had for years in my stash of thrift store finds to make over, I decided adding a small crazy quilt cover to it would be an accomplishable task.  I was wrong, of course...both pieced fabric bases I made to stitch on ended up in the garbage...the first was discarded quickly, the second after I'd had a fair amount of wobbly stitching done. 

Now I'm working on a single piece of aida cloth, and the first corner is coming along nicely.


If it's complete in the spring the box will be for Susan's birthday, if I'm not it will become her Halloween present, even though it's not Halloweenish (Halloweeny?).  I hope it's done quickly, as I have other ideas for a Halloween present.

I've been pinning inspiration pictures myself.  I made the board public yesterday after Susan and I decided I would blog about her project instead of surprising her with it.

feeling sore is my new normal

Posts have been practically non-existent the last couple of months because I still haven't had the energy to step foot in my studio.  I've been working, I've just been working on me, instead of miniatures.

I've missed my creative time something crazy though, and I've got an idea that's been swimming around in my brain the last week or so for a present for Susan, so I'm going to JoAnne's today for supplies on my way to the gym.   I'm finally starting to feel well enough after my workouts to play when I come home....not so sore I'm moaning, and with enough energy remaining to do more than collapse on the couch.

Ordinarily I wouldn't dream of putting pictures of myself in my undies on the internet, but I'm so proud of my progress that I want to brag.  Also, I've discovered that the more people cheer me on the more motivated I am to continue...I need more people, this is very hard work. 

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