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3 posts from June 2014

life interferes with dollhouses again

I lost my assistant at work.  I didn't lose her in a crowded mall or anything, I know where she is, she's at home nursing her mother, who is ill.  That means, of course, that I've been putting in long days at the office, so haven't touched the mini kitchen. 

I do have some pictures to share with you.  Last October I dropped my little travel camera and broke it (the day before my trip to St. Louis, of course).  I have to go to Indianapolis at the end of the month, so finally took it down to the camera shop to see if it was repairable or if I need to replace it.  I left with a new camera, a cute little red Nikon, then walked over the river and under the road out to Grand Traverse Bay to play with my new toy.






now...a test of the zoom function...

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Last time I went to Indianapolis I stayed in the hotel next door to our office building in Carmel, on the north side of the city, and didn't venture out further than restaurants.  This time I'm leaving a couple of days early and staying in a hotel downtown before I move up to the hotel by the office.  I'm planning to visit the art museum and the James Whitcomb Riley Museum Home, then wander around downtown, shopping, eating, drinking, taking pictures, relaxing, making merry and generally enjoying myself.

second layer of plaster and beginning the addition

I almost didn't get this blog post written this morning...I read a comment on my last post by Elizabeth, clicked through the link to her blog, and WHOA...go take a look...Elizabeth is doing what I hope to be doing when I get more practice under my belt.

Studio E Miniatures

I only read the two most recent posts, but am going to go back for more when I have some time.

So...on with the English Cottage Kitchen update....

I spread the second layer of plaster on the exterior walls. I was planning to wait until I had the addition built, but I got antsy.  I haven't sealed or added any color to the plaster yet, so that I can tie in the portions that will meet the addition and be further up on the chimney.   I have further sanding and smoothing to do, but I like how it's coming along.  I used plaster of paris for this layer, because nothing looks more like plaster than plaster.


I started with the exterior on purpose, because I wanted to see how it worked before I tried the interior, which needs to have a smoother finish.  I was contemplating adding paint to the plaster mix for the interior walls, but after experiencing exactly how fast the plaster cures I've realized it would be better to plaster then paint, as I doubt, no matter how carefully I measure the proportions, I could create multiple small batches of colored plaster the same shade.  I also learned that a cheap paint brush is not the best way to apply plaster, as it leaves too many brush marks, especially as the plaster thickens.  When I plaster the interior I will either dab it on with a sea sponge or spread it on with a credit card trowel...I have to experiment further.

The walls of the addition are complete, the support beam to tie the roof into the wall of the main structure has been screwed in, the smaller beams that will be on the inside of the ceiling are ready to install, and the light has been finished and wired.  Before I can marry the addition to the kitchen I need to buy a piece of wood for the base...I would hate for the two rooms to separate later while trying to move them onto one.  But, before I can mount the rooms on a base I have to finish the wiring.


I notched and glued in a support beam for the pendant lights over the island.  I need to get these in place before I decide if I also need a lamp on the fireplace side of the room...I suspect I will...then I need to build a lamp.   Oh shoot, the fire....don't let me forget the fire.


And, don't let me forget....Susan's gratuitous cat picture...
