new minis
picture of my trip to Grand Rapids, part one

chimney is done

Saturday I cut and glued egg cartons, which takes a lot longer than you'd think...


Sunday I painted, grouted, sanded, aged and sealed....


The chimney pots are from my bin of scrap wood.  I had a finial that was too big to do anything with, a castle turret that fell off a cheap birdhouse, a piece of dowel, and a handle from something that I enlarged the hole in the middle of.


I've got a little bit of fiddly work to do on the very top...there is a slight gap where the foremost chimney pot doesn't sit flush that is driving me crazy. (Because I didn't cut the peg on the bottom of the finial off flush.)  I think I'm going to stuff some old dead moss in the gap.  Then I need to build up a thicker coat of ash under the working chimney pot.   I capped off three of the chimney pots with rubber o-rings and paint, since I bricked over the old fireplaces outside and the bread oven inside doesn't have a door and will be stuffed with wood.



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I love how you've aged the exterior - it really adds so much character to a building =0)


If you don't want to moss it, you could push spackling in with a glue syringe...I did that around some windows to weather-strip them. :]

This chimney is divine, by the way. :D


You never cease to amaze me!

Love the grunge!


Good idea, Brae, thanks.

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