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6 posts from June 2015

siding - day four (and shower)

It's difficult to balance spending time in my studio with time enjoying our brief summer season.  I managed to finish the outdoor shower and siding on one side of the house....and enjoy breakfast out with my husband at a new cafe before strolling through the annual downtown arts street fair....and get some much needed pruning and gardening done....and clean my house.  I had a very busy weekend.


The camera angle makes it look wonky, but let me assure you, everything is straight, at perfect right angles.

siding - day two

I didn't finish the other side of the house yet; I got blood on it during the exacto knife incident and it was still a bit damp from the clean up.  I started on this side instead.


Not as much was accomplished as I wanted.  The house doesn't sit exactly square on the foundation, so all the deck boards had to measured and cut individually, as each is just a schoosh longer than the one before.