15 posts from November 2016
Icky echeveria
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
The echeveria aren't icky, I am, I've had some kind of stomach flu. Blech. I'm feeling better now, which is good, because I have another round of dental surgery tomorrow.
I bought another batch of paper punches...
I managed one echeveria each punch (not the leaf punches) before I crawled back to my couch, my cat, and my television.
Snuggle buddies
Wednesday, November 09, 2016
eeny weeny ink pen
Tuesday, November 08, 2016
Susan's Halloween present done
Tuesday, November 08, 2016
More specimen plants under glass...
Taxidermy songbirds (birds by Barbara Meyer)...
I could keep going, and I probably will, I want to make some books for her zillion bookcases, but since it's November already it's past time to pack up and mail Susan's October box....just need to run to the grocery for a big bag of dried cherries...and maybe to Kilwin's for some fudge.
Since I couldn't come up with anything Halloweenish this year I made stuff for Susan's mini botanist's mini study and/or her mini conservatory....
Oh, I never showed you guys the journal....
Ester says "BOO!"