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12 posts from March 2017

more dragons?!?

But these are better dragons, because they have golden spines.  The best body color is gold, after all.


I've already changed my paypal password, but I think I'm going to hide my jewelry before he melts it down to coat the rest of his menagerie with.


building furniture smarter

I build furniture more quickly than I used to.  Not because I do it faster, but because I do it smarter. 

Yesterday I made three modern tables....


A dresser/desk combo....


And a kitchen unit...minus the countertop and sink, I'm not going to cut the countertop until the alcove the unit sits in has been built, when I know the exact length it needs to be.


All the pieces have faux doors and drawers, as I don't require that any need to open.  In fact, the fridge is just a front, since that's all that will be seen.  I just have to remember to paint black the alcove it will sit it.


Before I would have cut rectangles of wood for door and drawers, then glue them onto another piece of wood.  This time I lowered the blade of my table saw to half the depth of the wood then cut grooves in it.  Whizz bang boom, drawers and doors.  I also cut a groove down the back of each of the side tables, to run lamp wires in.


I used to smear glue all over then wipe away the excess, now I put on just enough; it holds better and the dry time is significantly decreased.  I use good clamps now, as well.  Clamping is crucial for a strong join.  Oh!  And a nice square gluing jig.  Tools are wonderful.  I wish I had invested in the proper tools earlier, instead of accumulating a stash of cute "I'll use that some day" minis, most of which are still waiting.

Speaking of cute...


a bazillion echeveria - canceled

I was getting something off the top shelf of my bookcase today when I took a good look at the dusty mess that is the flower garden of the Michigan Lake Cottage.  It is a pain to clean without damaging it.  Why would I do that to myself again?


The planted roof on this kit will be plastic, and removable, so that I can take it off the top of the house and spray it clean in the shower.  I've got almost enough plants already.


I shall reclaim my dining room and move back to my studio to start on the build.
