2017 eclipse
Floor archaeology


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Nancy Enge

OMG that watch-bicycle-fish? wallpaper is fantastic in a horrible way!


My mom's kitchen was like that! Just a little disturbing to find that many layers.


I think it's really neat, but I suspect in a novelty fashion, not a keep my kitchen like that fashion. Husband is aghast at my fondness for it. I love the colors.

I'll have to get some good pictures of it so that someone with the right software can recreate it in miniature..


It does beg the question of whether it was choice by taste or choice by pocketbook. :D


LOVE that middle wallpaper! So cool.

Betsy Rogers

OMG! That 60's Colonial Americana wallpaper is SOooo ..... um, I don't think I can find the right word! LOL! I remember seeing so many houses "done" in the Colonial style and it was all a bit "Cute country" before there was "country" as a style! Sixties decor for the "garrison colonial" homes being built back then! And the "brick" patterned flooring.... I had that in the first apartment I rented... actually a small house.... Archaeology indeed! Fascinating project you have going here! LOL!

Jodi Hippler

And this is why we love to make dollhouses! We can explore the weird/ugly/cool/retro wonders of life without our loved ones thinking we're bonkers!
It is really cool in a "if these walls could talk" sort of way. At family gatherings, we still discuss all the strange things we've unearthed in the many remodels we've participated in over the years!

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