Peapod part two
Renovation Update

I’m back

I’m afraid this is a rather lackluster pictures of anything I’m working on.  I’ve got a new (another new) job.  The one I took last March, which sounded like a dream job, was absolutely horrible.  I started looking for another almost immediately, and after an interview a week for six months, I selected another.  I am now working in the corporate finance department of my regional health care system; I’ve been there two months now, and love it.  The pay is less than I was making, but the responsibilities are significantly less, my coworkers are warm and inviting, and I appreciate, and am grateful for, the difference.

Today I started a massive studio clean out/clean up project.  I am giving myself a month to get it done, then will participate in next year’s Creatin’ Contest.  

I owe you a post or two regarding my home improvement projects.  I’m not sure if anyone remembers, or cares, but it seems something incomplete to me, so I’ll finish.  I have to login to an old computer to find the pictures, but I’ll set a goal to get that done before the end of the year. 

 One last note...I haven’t been commenting on most of your blog posts the last year or two, but I have been reading.  Blogger blogs don’t seem to like my Apple devices.

 I’ve been  posting on Instagram regularly during my blogging absence, as it’s quick and easy, but it lacks the text that is our connection.  I hope to do better next year. 


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Sheila Lester

I'm so glad you found a job you like better! 2020 will be the best year yet.


Happy to see you back! Do you have a link to your instagram page?


It is good to see you!


Hey Keli, it's great to hear your 'voice'! I'm glad to know that the new new job is working out better for you. We spend so much time at work, it needs to be a happy place.
I look at your Instagram pictures daily; although it's not the same as a blog post, pictures are a good way to keep in touch without the need for too much words.
Like you, I've been reading everyone's posts this year but been quite absent from my own blog, and to my shame, not even posting on Instagram, I haven't mastered it completely or I have a mental block, can't decide which.
Let's try to post more often in 2020. Whether we do or not, I wish you a very prosperous year!


Thank you all for the warm welcome back.

Bridget, I’m not sure how to link, but if you search for iseecerulean you’ll find me.


So happy to know you're on your way back to miniature making! But what a stressful time to try and find a new job. Congrats on your new placement!! I can't wait to see what you do for the contest and everything else you do this year! Also... I completely understand about the blog comments... instagram is just so much easier for commenting on more people's posts quickly. It's tricky to balance.

Nancy Enge

Yay yay yay. You have been sorely missed.

Jodi Hippler

Just lovely! Can't wait to see your stored ideas come to life! And snippets about life behind the curtain? Love those, too!

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