Renovation Update
Creatin’ Contest 2020

Studio clean up / clean out

I dug deep for motivation and self-discipline, and got my studio back in working order again.


Every box, bin, bag and pile was sorted through, evaluated and reorganized.  I was moderately ruthless about what was allowed to stay.  Three large bags of garbage went out to the curb and I filled the trunk of my Volvo with items to take to a thrift store.  I evicted the second worktable and all but one rolling project cart.

I was especially brutal with the large assortment of ‘I can make something with this someday’ crap.  “When, Keli?  Just when are you going to do that?  If you haven’t already....”

Sigh.  Let’s not talk about all the wee bits of wood and paper I felt compelled to save.


The rug is new; the old one served its purpose by soaking up a dropped bottle of ink.  I also bought a paper storage cart for the closet and two new carts for supplies and tools so those aren’t stored on top of my worktable any more.

I reconfigured storage in the closet to store all like items together.  I had piles of wood squirreled away in more places I had forgotten about...


It feels so good to want to be in here working again!  I hope this year’s contest kit ships soon.


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Hi Keli, It looks fantastic. I like that you have an extra rolling chair that a friend could join you at your work table.
I had to expand your pics of your collection of chairs etc. So much fun to see and wonder what your next project will entail.
So glad I can leave a comment.
All the best. J.


Bravo! I can see how your studio clean out would be very motivating to you. It is motivating to me. You have even presented the instructions so the rest of us can do the same. It is so cheerful and organized, all ready for a new layer of creative chaos!


Oh, what a wonderful job you've done! You now have a space that will stimulate you to create. I wish you many happy hours in there. The bookshelf with dollhouse items categorized in groups especially grabbed my attention. It's inspiring to be able to see what you have at a glance, and it makes an engaging display.

Sheila Lester

Wow it looks so good! Can't wait to see you mini-ing again!

Jodi Hippler

Well done, Keli! It must feel so good to have a clear and organized space to begin creating in again! I can't wait to see what you've dreamed up for the new contest kit!!!


Fresh new room, fresh New Year and wishing you satisfying creativity in the months to come!


That is such a great feeling, to look at such a clean and creative room!!
Congrats on how streamlined you have it.

I misremembered Matt's glass as being in a closet on that back wall but see now that they're shelves.
Your shelves need me to come up and (black) squirrel through them!!


Neat as a pin. The trouble with doing minis is that our 'stuff' is also very small so we end up with a gazillion things when we have a room to keep them in. It leads to forgetting about what we have got, buying another one because of that 😐not always being able to put our hand on that elusive - 'where would I have filed this?' item. It collects dust, so I LOVE a clear-out and tidy up now and then.... I am a tidy freak any way and tend to fail in the opposite direction - throwing things out that would have been useful. Well done you. Onwards and upwards.


Hi Keli! Your studio clean-out is truly inspiring! I have too many of those boxes of little pieces of wood and paper too.... perhaps it is time for me to follow your example. Now you have everything organized and you know where it all is. Bravo! And I look forward to seeing what you will do with this year's contest kit. :)

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