Penciled in
Left wall progress

Peapod part three

I faired the planks on the outside of the hull, it required hours of careful sanding.  Once that was done I cut the stems from the strong back and removed the boat from the form.


The inside is very scary, because I botched the planking.  Hopefully I can manage to make something of it without causing irreparable damage.


Holding it up to a light accentuates thin spots.


I plan to sand down the high spots and fill the low spots to finish with a smooth surface.  Wish me luck.



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Sheila Lester

It looks really good. Maybe some wood putty on the thin spots? And then sand it down? There are some types that take stain I think?

I'm still impressed.

Jodi Hippler

I don't think the average miniaturist has any idea how difficult these boat kits actually are, and how incredible what you have accomplished with it is! It's freakin' awesome!

Drora Hed

You have done a fantastic job so far. I 'm quite sure it will be a stunning boat.
Good luck with the progress!
Hugs, Drora

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