Conservatory base progress
Two months

Seascaping plans

Thinking through the tide pool seascaping...

I am planning to build the seascape upward, in steps to match intertidal zones.


I have been accumulating flora and fauna for months, as I researched.  I’ve arranged the fauna by zone, with the exception of sea stars, which will be sculpted in situ...


I have lichens, flocking and lycopodium to serve as flora...


I have sand, small rocks, and crushed shells to serve as substrate, and some larger faux rocks Nancy made from air dry clay...


Nancy also sent some beach-combed treasure...


I’ve also a few items gathered from nature that aren’t meant to be anything that lives in a tide pool, but won’t look out of place if I need to use some as filler...


I am waiting for one more box of supplies before I start seascaping.  My friend Bill, who lives on the Pacific coast of Canada, assembled a mix of treasure for me, it is en-route now.  While I wait for it to arrive I have been happily engaged in Bill’s online research assignments.  :)


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Sheila Lester

Wow... and I thought I researched things to death.

I can't wait to see how the build progresses! It's bound to be super interesting.

Jodi Hippler

This is going to be amazing! I am so excited to see it all come together!!!

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