Tide pool - first layer
Friday, September 25, 2020
I glued down the first layer of sea life into the bottom of the tide pools last weekend. It looks superfluously colorful and busy now, but keep in mind this is just the first level.
Wednesday I poured the first layer of resin. Then I remembered I hadn’t poured on Sunday because I wanted to put some crushed up shell on the ground first. Also, I forgot the sea stars.
The sea stars omission is not of great consequence, I can add them in subsequent layers. I walked over to Joann’s yesterday afternoon for air dry clay. I don’t want the sea stars flat and lifeless, I plan to shape them and let them dry in position. Practice sculpts will commence this afternoon.
i am using a different resin than I have before. EnviroTex Lite. I decided upon it after researching model railroad forums. I really like it so far, but each layer is a shallow, 1/8” pour, so this will take a while. I will report my findings when the project is complete.
I'm so curious to see how this will go!
Posted by: Sheila Lester | Friday, September 25, 2020 at 08:51 AM