a new plan

Townhouse plans

I am giving up on contest builds.  I just don’t have the room.  I’ve disassembled most that I’ve built, and put the ocean themed builds into storage.  

I’ve decided to build a series of roomboxes sized to fit an existing shelving unit, that will become a large townhouse.  This will be my final (probably?) build, which I can play in, collect in, etc…


I wanted to build each room the same size, so I could rearrange them at will, but after taking measurements, have decided on three rooms per story, which can be subdivided, and two low-ceilinged stories per shelf.  The rooms making the front of the townhouse are sized differently than the ones behind, and will have an exterior facade.  The rooms behind will be open to each side.




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This is such a great idea, Keli, and will keep you fulfilled for such a long time! Love it! I'm really looking forward to your ideas for the townhouse rooms! And as for the contests... They're not for me, either. I'm just too independent and a "don't fence me in" kinda person. I love to see what everyone comes up with, though! So many people (present company included) just knock it out of the park every year!


I'm excited for this! I think you'll have a lot of fun with it.


That's a great idea. I use a "Swedish" shelf for my town and shoping mile. For me, that's the perfect size. One building with three small shops, one building for the supermarket,...

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